
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 § 0

My denim shirt makes me happy. I feel like it's 1995 again!
I feel as though everyone should invest in a pink scarf. I'm telling you, it goes with EVERYTHING.
If you could hear me talk right now, you would hear a 60-year-old man addicted to smoking....I have had this terrible cough lately and it's ridden me of my voice much akin to Ursula taking Ariel's! (Okay, so that was a little more dramatic). Despite the lost voice, me getting cut off by stupid teenagers in a gas station parking lot this morning, running out of water and having to sit through an intense club meeting with a parched throat...it's been an okay day. It's one of those days where, if you didn't have a good outlook, it would be terrible. But I did have a good outlook. So it was nice!
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