Finally! IT'S DONE!

Friday, March 11, 2011 § 0

The yearbook, not my 30 for 30. However, I am close to being done, with only two outfits left to go!!!
You heard me right- the yearbook is finally completely finished. The book's gone by so fast, but I'm so proud of what it's become and equally proud of my staff. Most of them.
Here's a few pictures from our celebratory last page submission party:

From left to right: Bri, student activities editor, Mickey, photo editor, Skyler, last year's editor in chief, and me, this year's editor in chief!

So glad she could come for the submission of the book.  She made it ten times more special.

My mentor, my rock, pretty much the smartest and greatest person advisor, Brownie. 


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