Water for Elephants.

Saturday, April 23, 2011 § 0

Remember when I talked about how I was reading Water for Elephants here?  Well, it soon became one of my absolute favorite books.  I convinced my sister to read it and so now that the movie is out, my sister, my mom and I all went to the Colleyville Cinema Grill to see it.  We were so excited that we arrived an hour early, and we were first in line for the movie theater.  That's dedication, folks.

After seeing the first trailer, I was so afraid that the film was going to veer away from the story like so many other book-to-movie adaptations have.  However, there weren't many changes, aside from a handful of scenes nearing the end, and most of them weren't a big deal anyway.

Christoph Waltz was the most perfect August there ever was.   After that terrible scene with Rosie, when Jacob confronts August in his train car, I was literally seething in my seat, shaking my head at the screen, muttering to myself, "Don't listen to a word he says, Jacob!"  Yes, he literally got that much of a rise out of me.  Amazing!

Reese Witherspoon was absolutely gorgeous, especially her performance scenes when she's doing her thing in the big top.  I thought she was great for Marlena.  

And judging by the first picture, I'm guessing I don't need to tell you how gorgeous Robert Pattinson was in this movie.  After the show, my mom turned to us and said, 'Edward looked so hot!'  

Maybe it was because I read the book, but I had a lot of emotional reactions to this movie (especially the menagerie scene at the end- I won't say much for those who haven't read the book, but my heart was pounding the entire time!).  There's nothing like seeing one of your favorite books, something you've imagined out in your head as you read, come to life.  

It was a great movie, and you should all go see it!

Day 24: Something you would find in my bag. 
1. Wallet
2. Car keys
3. Phone
4. Ipod
5. Trash (candy wrappers & receipts, haha)
6. Whatever book I'm reading at the time

And not much else.  I don't carry much, and yet my purse still gets terribly cluttered.  How is that possible, you ask?  I make it possible!

Happy Saturday, 

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