Back to school blues.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 § 0

Just sittin' here, eating my Skinny Cow dreamy clusters (SO good) and NAHT wanting to go to class.  That's right, I spelled it NAHT.

This semester already proves to be challenging.  There's extensive textbook use in all my classes and already I'm bogged down with homework.  I'm trying not to get stressed out of my mind.

Textbooks are expensive, y'all.  I HATEZ it so much that I'm using ridiculous words like HATEZ.


In other news, I have a new vlog out.  Check it out by clicking on 'my vlog' in the top right corner.

Also, I started a new Tumblr!  It's a reading/writing/movies based blog and you all should go follow it if that floats your boat.  I'm loving posting on it so far.

Well, hope you're having a better Wednesday than I am!


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