Lazy, lazy weekend.

Saturday, January 21, 2012 § 0

So far, it's been relaxing...okay, yeah, a better word for that would be lazy.  But I like it.  It's been a hectic, stressful week, and it's nice to have a few days to wind down from all of that.

Last night, I went and got fast food (a low point in my health regime, but let's not dwell on that, hmm?) and had a 'me' night.  I sat in front of the TV and watched Indiana Jones, and then I wrote a little and watched some Netflix in bed (an activity far superior to breakfast in bed).

Today, I watched TV, got some groceries, read John Green's The Fault in Our Stars, and came home...and watched more TV.

I'm telling you, everyone needs a 'me' weekend just as much as they need a 'treat 'choself' weekend.

This has been a pointless post.
(me reppin my weekend uniform- Colo State sweatshirt and black leggings.)

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