The Weekend Update.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 § 0

This weekend was...a weekend.  My grandfather came over (the one that yelled at me on mother's day) and I had a good time attempting to be nice to him despite the fact that I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm the devil's spawn.  Families suck sometimes, am I right?

And then my sister, my mother and I all went to Estes Park yesterday to get some distance from Sir Shouts-a-lot and we had an amazing time (even though I was being kind of a poopy head at the beginning of the day since my sister stole my shoes...obviously, I am very passionate about footwear.  Haha.)

It was one of those weekends where you're handed a bad situation and you make the best of it, and it actually turns out really great.  This weekend was really great.  Pointless post over :)


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